Category Archives: Blog of Edgar

A blog on the life of Edgar.

B-Mask’s CMTV

B-Mask's CMTV Maaaany years ago, I moderated (and then co-admined) the Crash Mania forums. The Crash Mania site was created by HPZr, with its Proboard forums linked to it. Back then, a lot of forum members came together to create a claymation show with a member called B-Mask at the helm. Still in the business…
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Happy Birthendirthen (Blog)

It was my birthday at the start of March. I think the older you get, the larger the sense of dread is that your own mortality creeps ever closer. I prefer to reverse the numbers. However, this year was quite pleasant in that a friend came to visit and he made a lovely mango-frosting cake…
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Go Forth (Blog)

2021 was a bit of a non-year, wasn't it? Like 2020, its particular virus-related circumstances shut-down the world for large periods. Despite that, there was still one event in 2021 where I was actually able to see people in person for the first time in years. So, as we start 2022, I've been reflecting on…
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Sun in my Heart, a Breeze on my Back (Blog)

This past weekend, I went down south of the UK to attend a wedding. The wedding was between one of my university housemates and another from our English course at the time. So, naturally, the wedding was down in Cornwall, where we had gone to university. What makes this even more special for me is…
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