Monthly Archives: October 2019

Nina, Brio and an Engine Change

Nina, Brio and an Engine Change October marks Halloween month and, it seems, a new road map for CTR: Nitro-Fueled! Keeping with the theme of the month, October's new Grand Prix content features Neo Cortex's goth daughter herself, Nina, as well as his original right-hand man, Nitrus Brio! Komodo Moe also rears his swords, meaning…
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Blog – Blow Your Own Trumpet

Blow Your Own Trumpet Who's heard of drum corps before? Probably a lot of people if you're in the U.S., but if you're in the U.K., you're likely scratching your head. In short, a drum corps (aka. drum and bugle corps) is a marching band on steroids. They march a particular themed show for 10…
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