Monthly Archives: August 2018


Nigel I'm sure. With an enthusiastic wink, he passed the concave glass of crimson silt to me, ensuring his hand softly touched mine in the transition. My spine shivered but my lips smiled. I imagined all sorts of scenarios to stop this horrible nightmare; a sudden heart-attack, a case of the runs, a phone call…
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Sea of Seals Chapter 2

Betrayal A dozen leeches later and a mild taste of bananas in his mouth, Smaz stepped up to the large castle walls that stood in front of him. This castle marked what was the symbol of this kingdom and stood tall and proud amongst the cobbled streets below. As Smaz approached the grey-bricked walls, a…
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Bob the Badger is my Brother

Bob the Badger is my Brother Six years imprisoned, my dear pal and brother. Soon to be seven, my sanity zero. Yet, one day I hold hope - I seize the air with conviction, reaching for the glowing screen whilst darkness envelops the room. One day, he'll be released once more, my dear pal and…
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