Heart of Hate (Stage Script)

Heart of Hate

A script from Love Matters

This is an excerpt from a Valentine's Day production called Love Matters. I was one of about eight writers, each of us writing a different story that was split up throughout the production. Think of it like Love, Actually, but on-stage. A lot of the other stories were actually remarkably grim, given that it was supposed to be light-hearted in nature. It was because of this that the scene between Cyan and John was written, as it appeared at a point where everything was simply too dark around it, and the play needed some levity at that point. Anyhow, here's my section.

ACT 1 – Scene 3: Bright Eyes
Train Station

CYAN is waiting on the platform, dressed as smartly as possible. His shirt is untucked, his tie askew and his jacket slightly too small for him. LAURA is sitting on the bench, nearby.

CYAN: (In a small voice to the woman on the bench.) Excuse me? (There is no reply, in which he clears his throat and speaks louder, but in an awkward manner.) E-excuse me?

LAURA: (Looking up.) Yeah?

CYAN: Do y-you have the t-time on you, per chance?

LAURA: Yeah, it's (she checks her watch) a quarter past eight. The train's late. Are you meeting someone? (CYAN simply stares at her, bewildered, and then about-faces in a fluster, ignoring her.)

TANNOY: The train now arriving on platform 1 is the 20:10 train to Penzance.

Enter CHRIS, from stage right, dressed in a business suit.

CYAN: Chris!

CHRIS: (Opening his arms for a hug) Aaaaay, Cyan, matey boy! (Cyan awkwardly hugs him) How've you been? It must have been four years since we last saw each other. (They separate.)

CYAN: I have been good. (Nervous laughter) Just been struggling through the world of work… you know how it is.

CHRIS: Struggling? Why, I've managed to become a successful businessman in those four long years. It's a miracle considering how bad I did at Uni. I'm telling you, matey boy – it's not what you know, it's who you know.

CYAN: I am starting to believe that. (He looks down.)

CHRIS: Aww now cheer up, will you? I'm back to visit! It's time for smiles and catching up. You look so awkward, as if I'm a stranger. Tell you what, why don't we head somewhere for food and we'll talk along the way. How does that sound?

CYAN: Good.

CHRIS: (He spots the girl on the bench and immediately turns on the charm.) Would you be able to tell me the time, my dear lady?

LAURA: (She frowns as she checks her watch.) Twenty-past eight.

CHRIS: Keep that in time in mind and I'll meet you here in a week, today.

CYAN angrily starts to pull CHRIS away and they begin walking slowly towards town. LAURA shakes her head in disgust.

(To CYAN) Now why did you have to go and do that?

CYAN: …Nevermind.

CHRIS: Oh, I get it! You're still terrible with the girls, aren't you?

CYAN: (Starting to smile) Maaaaaybe.

CHRIS: And I bet there's a girl you fancy, right?

CYAN: (Starting to laugh) Perhaps.

CHRIS: (Teasing) Go on, tell me her name. What's she like?

CYAN: Well… she is intelligent and is very protective of nature. She is a vegetarian, has a fiery personality an-

CHRIS: (Face dropping) No. You still have a thing for Eleanor?

CYAN: Well… love never dies. I never plucked up the courage to ask her and I hope one day she will notice me.

CHRIS: Look, it's all about what they want. Be confident and witty and you'll do fine. Looks go a long way, too.

CYAN: As in appearance? (He stops walking, causing CHRIS to do the same.) I may not be the most out-spoken person… and I may not be great with girls, but at least I am true to myself.

CHRIS: What's that supposed to mean?

CYAN: Why pretend to be something I am not through dressing myself up and generally not being myself?

CHRIS: Being something you're not gets you through life, mate. Look where I am now, eh? What has being yourself ever gotten you, over the years? (Short pause.) You still aren't with Eleanor and she won't notice you unless you change.

CYAN: (He starts to walk again, causing Chris to follow) …And then she would like someone who is not me.



ACT 1 – Scene 5: Sweet Sandwich

CHRIS and CYAN walk on stage, reaching a deli location.

CHRIS: Let's go in here – I could do with a sandwich. (As he does so, CYAN holds CHRIS' wrist.)

CYAN: …She works there.

CHRIS: Perfect! Then you can ask her in person.


CHRIS: (Not saying anything, briefly) I'll be out in a moment with my sandwich, then.

CHRIS walks into the shop, whilst CYAN awkwardly folds his arms and waits, outside. A girl of about 21 years old is standing behind the counter - ELEANOR. She is wearing an apron. Her hair is tied back. CHRIS leans against the counter.

ELEANOR: Hi there.

CHRIS: (Smiling) Hey there, could I have… a cheese and lettuce sandwich, with some mushrooms?

ELEANOR: (Turning around and picking out the particular ingredients) Ah, it's so rare to meet someone who goes for the healthy option, rather than choosing dead meat all of the time.

CHRIS: I'm a vegetarian, myself. In fact, my company protects endangered wildlife. Looking after animals is what I do!

ELEANOR: (Turning back around and placing the ingredients in some bread) Me, too! I always do my bit to help the environment by volunteering at the bird sanctuary. People who just throw stuff on the floor really piss me off, too. Still, I'm not afraid to say my bit when they do. (she laughs)

CHRIS: (Laughing with her) You have a wonderful laugh.

ELEANOR: (Tutting) Yeah, yeah. That'll be two ninety-nine.

CHRIS: I tell you what, if you let me have this sandwich for free, I'll treat you to dinner, tonight.

ELEANOR: Are you serious? (He nods) That ain't happening. For starters, I'd probably be sacked for doing that. I may have a full time job elsewhere, but I need this part-time job for the extra cash. Secondly, I don't even know you. Who do you think you are?

CHRIS: You know what my taste in sandwiches is like – I say that counts for something.

ELEANOR: A friend once told me all guys are the same – all they want is to shove their tongues down our throats and have their way with us. You're actually the first guy who's ever asked me out and I'm starting to believe that, already.

CHRIS: Is there any reason why they would by-pass a beautiful girl, such as yourself?

ELEANOR:  (Raising her eyebrows and looking at Chris as if to say 'isn't it obvious') Oh, come on – I'm not exactly eye candy. Guys go for what's sexy and not for their personality. I guess her point was that they want to get inside a girl, but not in the right way. (She shakes her head) Anyhow, I don't know why I'm telling you this. Two ninety-nine, please.

CYAN enters the deli. No one notices him.

CHRIS: Now hang on; I want to persuade you after listening to your angelic voice. Dinner at 8:00, Thursday at whatever's the classiest but affordable place around here.

CYAN freezes.

ELEANOR: (Brief Pause) Alright. You have one night to convince me. (She thinks for a moment) The Warehouse is a good restaurant for what you want, even if the name doesn't do it justice. Normally I wouldn't say yes, but it's not like I get asked all the time. You're still not getting the sandwich for free, though. That meal had better be worth it.

CHRIS: (Smiling) The name's Chris.

ELEANOR: (Smiling back) Eleanor.

As she smiles, CHRIS leans over the counter and gives her a kiss, in which she responds by pulling away. CHRIS then kisses her cheek. CYAN shakes his head in disbelief and fumbles backwards.

CYAN:  …N-no… NO! (CYAN runs off stage. ELEANOR exits the stage, right, as if to go behind the store for something.)

CHRIS: (To no one in particular) The world's a stage and all the girls are players. (He exits)


ACT 1 – Scene 8: Anger Management

JOHN is sitting in the cafe, drinking tea. CYAN storms in from stage left, angry.

JOHN: (Looking up) Cyan, we have to stop meeting like this.

CYAN: It happened. It finally happened!

JOHN: You finally asked her out? (CYAN gives a pained expression) She was asked out by someone else?

CYAN: (Running his hands through his hair and strutting around, trying to hold back his pain) Stolen! Stolen from underneath my nose! I have never felt this angry, John. Never!

JOHN: Woah, woah, woah. Calm down.

CYAN: CALM?! Calm is when the moon looks longingly onto the ocean, not when the sea's raging in stormy eclipse!

JOHN: You're not making any sense. And you don't even sound like your usual un-confident self. This scares me. I suggest tea, a choccy biccy and to then start from the beginning.

CYAN: I do not want a biscuit. I want Eleanor.

JOHN: Ah. (He motions for CYAN to sit, which he does so)

CYAN: Chris came.


CYAN: Chris saw.

JOHN: O-oh. Right?

CYAN: Chris conquered.

JOHN: Conquered you?

CYAN: No, John! My bread's not buttered that way!

JOHN: I was going to say! Never saw that side of you before.

CYAN: I think I'm more complex than bread, John.

JOHN: I suppose. For starters, You've got more than two sides.

CYAN: John. Listen. Chris conquered Eleanor.

JOHN: Not good.

CYAN: He... I just... He even... He bought a sandwich.

JOHN: Blimey. (Calling out to cafe staff off-stage) Can we have a sandwich over here?

CYAN: Enough of the bread, already!

JOHN: Sorry.

CYAN: And now Chris is taking her to The Warehouse restaurant, tonight. I spent so many years... so... many... I will kill him!

JOHN: (Worried about his own safety) It's at times like this I value your friendship.

CYAN: I work at The Warehouse. He knows that. He chose it to mock me... I will make sure he pays dearly.

JOHN: You're going to double the bill?

CYAN: Well... um... (Pause)

JOHN: Aren't you going to eat that?

CYAN: (He gives John a bemused look) Keep the sandwich. I have a date with Chris. (He realises what he just said, shakes his head and rushes out of the cafe.)

JOHN: Well, I... I don't think I can top that, to be honest.


ACT 3 – Scene 7: Black and Blue, Chris vs. Cyan

Open scene at the restaurant. Only CYAN is on stage, dressed as he was earlier, only instead of a jacket, he is wearing a small waistcoat. He evidently works there as a waiter. A few empty tables are scattered around. CYAN's mobile rings and he checks to see who it is, on screen. As the ringtone carries for a few moments, he silences his phone.

CYAN: (To himself and the audience) Chris. Four years ago you were my best friend. Today you are my mortal enemy. How the world changes in such little time. How my world changes because of you. These four years have been a constant battle against my shy self and a struggle to rise from the conflict victorious. And yet you, with your natural strength and little effort soar into the sky like a bomber plane, gaining wealth, success and my angel... only to then drop your atom shell on my soil. My world is an apocalypse and you are the black phoenix, giving birth to your alien world. Yet your feathers of dark future fill confidence within me, unlike any I have ever embraced. You changed me. How dare you slaughter my dearest dream and steal the stardust from my sky. How dare you ruin my world. And for that, you dare me to ruin yours.

Enter ELEANOR from the left, in a dress. CYAN is broken from his trance and shakily hurries towards her.

ELEANOR: Oh, hi there! I didn't know you worked here.

CYAN: (Taking a deep breath to control his emotions) Y-yes.

ELEANOR: I have a booking for 8:00pm, tonight.

CYAN shakily nods his head and gestures her towards the table in the middle of the stage, not saying anything. He pulls out a chair for her and she sits on it.

It's not every day a gentleman does that for me. Then again, it's not every day I have a date. To tell you the truth, I would have probably said yes to anyone, at this stage, but the guy I'm meeting has a way with words.

CYAN: (He stares for a bit. Brief pause) I-Is there anything I can get you... whilst you are waiting?

ELEANOR: Ooh, a bottle of the house red would be great, thanks.

CYAN slowly nods, looks awkward, and then goes to the right of the stage to retrieve a bottle. Enter CHRIS from the left, who sees ELEANOR's table and immediately heads towards it, sitting down. He is wearing what he wore, earlier. He sits on the right side of the table, whilst ELEANOR is on the left side.

CHRIS: Hey, beautiful.

ELEANOR: I'm not convinced, so far.

CHRIS: You'd better get used to it, babe.

ELEANOR: (Laughing, sarcastically) Tactful. Now 'babe' I don't like – I'm not a baby who has to be looked after, you know.

CHRIS: I love your sense of humour. (He looks around) It's a nice place, this!

ELEANOR: You're not from around here, are you?

CHRIS: No, I came in by train a while back and was supposed to be staying with a friend. Maybe you know him? Cyan?

ELEANOR: (Surprised) Oh, he comes in to buy a sandwich every morning! He never says much to me and that kind of creeps me out, a little, but he seems like a nice guy. He works-

CHRIS: (Interrupting) He's a bit of a bastard, actually; he ran off whilst I was in your shop and I haven't seen him, since.

ELEANOR:  (Shocked) Really? That's cruel of him. Where have you been staying?

CHRIS: In a guest house. If only he wasn't too selfish to remember I existed.

CYAN walks over to the table with the wine and pours some into ELEANOR's glass

He's probably working in some low-paying job, struggling through life.

CYAN: As a waiter.

CHRIS looks up to spot CYAN, whom he didn't realise was him. Their eyes meet and fury erupts in CYAN's face as they both angrily stare at each other for a moment.

ELEANOR: I tried to tell you Cyan works here.

CYAN: (Putting the wine on the table and getting out a notepad) May I take your order?

ELEANOR: That's all you have to say for leaving your mate?

CYAN: (In an angrier tone) May I take your order?

CHRIS: He's in denial. He just doesn't like me and how I've worked hard to achieve all I could since we last saw each other, whilst he hasn't even tried... stuck in a low-wage waiter job.

CYAN: (Ignoring him) May. I. Take. Your. Order. Please.

ELEANOR: (Shaking her head and looking at the menu) May I have the vegetarian deluxe, please? (CYAN jots this down on the pad)

CHRIS: I'll have the number 23. Maybe it will wash away the taste of rejection.

CYAN walks off to the right to give the order to the chefs.

CYAN: (To no one in particular) Number 23 – the spiced salad. Number 28 – the lobster. One pen, one change, all the difference.

CHRIS: (Raising his hand with his wine glass in it) Waiter, you didn't pour my wine. (CYAN takes a deep breath and walks over.)

CYAN: (Quietly) Are you not capable of pouring it, yourself?

CHRIS: Pardon, mate?

CYAN: Nevermind. (CYAN pours it into the glass and CHRIS quickly takes a swig of it)

ELEANOR: I just need to pop to the girl's room. (She leaves, briefly)

CHRIS: Girls are like wine; sweet, keeps you company on a lonely night and there's always enough of it for everyone, you know what I'm saying? That's why I love wine.

CYAN: What do you think you are doing?

CHRIS: I'm merely making use of your missed opportunity.

CYAN: YOU (Calming himself down) You 'merely' shot me in the chest knowing full well that I love her.

CHRIS: Time waits for no one and you weren't with her. To be honest, I don't think you would have ever made a move, so I thought I would. All it took was a bit of doing what I do best – making myself look better in conversation. It's how I got my job and it's how I get the girls. More wine. (As he holds his glass up, CYAN pours the bottle of wine onto his lap.)

CYAN: My bad.

As CYAN walks back to the right of the stage, CHRIS angrily stands up to confront CYAN.  ELEANOR comes back to the table.

ELEANOR: (Seeing the wet patch) Have you wet yourself, Chris?

CHRIS: (Grumbling) Just some spilt wine.

They both sit down. CYAN returns with their orders. ELEANOR smiles as the food is placed on the table, until she sees CHRIS' plate, with a lobster on it. CYAN stands at the table.

CHRIS: (Laughing) Was that what I ordered? Ah, I love lobster! (He starts to eat it)

ELEANOR: (Clearing her throat) You told me you were a vegetarian.

CHRIS: Mm? Oh. (He stops chewing)

CYAN: At least it is classier than the time we went into a restaurant and ordered two large burgers. (He smiles) I hope your meal is satisfactory. (He walks off stage to the left, a spring in his step.)

ELEANOR: You lied to me.

CHRIS: (Struggling to come up with an excuse) No, no – I used to eat meat, but now I don't. I mean, I don't count seafood.

ELEANOR: (In a deeper voice) 'You don't count seafood'? What would you call lobster? A vegetable?


CYAN enters stage left with a couple of napkins

CYAN: I could not help recall that you mentioned meeting a girl at the train station at 8:20pm.

ELEANOR:  (Angrily) Excuse me? What kind of player are you?

CHRIS: (Jumping up and punching CYAN in the face) You bastard! You ruined my evening! Just because you can't deal with me taking your precious Eleanor out on a date…


CYAN: (Biting sarcasm) Oh dear. Would sir like a refund?

CHRIS: I'll give you a fucking refund!

Chris rugby tackles CYAN, causing him to tumble to the floor. The room falls silent. He picks himself up with the help of ELEANOR, only for him to then punch CHRIS in the face. A Pitiful fight ensues. CYAN ends up on the table.

ELEANOR: (Roaring) Fucking stop it, both of you! (She puts herself between CHRIS and CYAN)

CHRIS: He's been trying to break us apart, all evening, just so he can be with you! He's selfish and insane!

ELEANOR: Is that true, Cyan?

CYAN: (Wiping his nose) Y-yes. Well, no. Sort of.

ELEANOR: Are you such an idiot not to ask me out that you'd go to such extreme lengths just to have me all to yourself? You boys need to grow up.

CYAN: I... I... I don't even know what came over me.

ELEANOR: Well, until you grow up, you'll never be with me. (She turns to Chris) And as for you... you lied to get to my heart and proved my friend right – all guys are the same.

CHRIS: Oh, like I was going to do anything long term with you. (ELEANOR angrily slaps CHRIS and storms off stage, to the left. CHRIS tries to say something, but can't find the words.)

CYAN picks up the bottle of wine, and sits down.

CYAN: Erm, you still have the bill to pay.

CHRIS sits down at the same table, CYAN passes him the wine. CHRIS and CYAN finish the wine off.

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