Band of Bothers Season 5 Recap (FINALE)

Season 5 - Season 5 Recap (FINALE)

Stephen hosts Band of Bothers - a let's play Pathfinder podcast. Alongside him are players Tuomas (Falric), Edgar (Alpheus), Jo (Frieda) and Dave (Echo).


After two years in-game, the gang are reunited as they prepare to take on The Nameless One/The Old One - an entity that travels the multiverse, foretold by Mother Saggith. Can they do it? Can they save the world from untold chaos? Find out in the finale of Band of Bothers!

Recorded on New Year's Day, 2022, we finally put a close to this five-year long campaign. After a few events that you would have heard in Season 4, Ally decided not to return for the final fight. Dave however, who had been swamped by his care work during the pandemic, was able to return to play Echo for one last session. Tuomas was also able to return to play one last time.

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