Mechanix Gaming

Mechanix Gaming Reviews

Gerad the wolf man and Mecha the virus-infested handheld review indie games in Mechanix Gaming Reviews.

Mechanix Gaming Reviews sees a wolfman and an obsolete handheld in a bid to become accepted by the world of humans. To this end, they decide to broadcast themselves to the general public in a bid for acceptance by doing the only thing they know they can do in the safety of their own abode - review games. Not just any games, indie video games made by small development teams and often off the radar of large publishers. Over time, they have reviewed larger-scale titles such as UNDERTALE and RiMe, to the smaller Game Maker projects such as Crime Life 2 and Crash Bandicoot fan games.

Mechanix Gaming Reviews originally started as a series by my friend and I back when YouTube was still new and we were young. It was pretty terrible, but I decided to revive the basic concept and renew it using Gerad the gaming wolf and giving it a new direction of indie titles. I revived it initially as a part of online magazine Curious Culture and YouTube collaborative channel, TheCastofUs, but as both of those were short-lived, Mechanix lives on through British Bandicoot. Here are the results.

  • Ep 1 – Shelter

    Ep 1 – Shelter

    Shelter Become a badger, kill your kids, then mourn forever more. Developed by Jongaveken, Shelter is about survival. Avoid birds,…

  • Pilot – Pokémon Omicron Nuzlocke

    Pilot – Pokémon Omicron Nuzlocke

    Pilot – Pokémon Omicron Nuzlocke Gerad is a wolf man. With him is the cynical and sentient virus, Mecha, locked…